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2024   Soft Cover: Fabric as Garment as Architecture," Fabric Workshop and Museum,                      Philadelphia, PA. 


2023   Groundswell:Women of Land Art, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX.


2015   40: The Anniversary Exhibition, Hal Bromm Gallery, NYC.

2013   Artpark 2013, Hallwalls Gallery, Buffalo, NY.

            Families / Cities SHIFT, Susan Teller Gallery, NY.

2012   Drawn to Sculpture, (Sculptors drawings). Robert Roesch, curator. Pennsylvania                     Academy of the Fine Arts

2011   Flirting with Abstraction, The Mary G. L. Hood Collection, Woodmere Art                                  Museum, Philadelphia, PA

            Close at Hand: Artists from the Permanent Collection, The Fabric Workshop                              Museum, Philadelphia, PA; curator: Patterson Sims.

2010   ArtPark: 1974-1984, curator, Sandra Firmin. University of Buffalo, NY.                                 Documentation (1975) and Again, August (2010), conceived for the                                         ArtPark exhibit.

             Neo-Vitruvian: The Body Now, curator Richard Goldstein. Hal Bromm Gallery,

                    New York, NY

2009   Mixed Greens: Artists Choose Artists…, Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY

2008   The Luther Brady Collection, Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, Hamilton,                         NY. p. 74.

2007   Pattern Language: Clothing as Communicator. Paul and Lulu Hilliard University                       Art Museum, Lafayette, IN

2006   Twice Drawn, Two Exhibits: March & October. Curators: Ian Berry & Jack Shear.                      Tang Museum, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY. 

              Pattern Language: Clothing as Communicator. Art Museum at U.C. Santa                         Barbara, CA and: Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN. and:                          Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, IL

2005   Pattern Language: Clothing as Communicator. Judith Fox, curator. Tufts Univ.                         Art Gallery, Medford, MA.

2003   Unbuilt Visions: Public Projects Never Built, Brickbottom Gallery, Sommerville,                        MA.

2002   Public Art: Concept / Process / Realization. Nexus Foundation, Philadelphia,PA.

2001   Terms of Engagement: Urban Design in Greater Los Angeles at the Millennium.                    Curated by Urban Design Comm. LA chapter AIA. Luckman Fine Arts                               Gallery, CA. St. Univ., CA.

             New Land Marks: Public Art, Community, and the Meaning of Place.  Fairmount                    Park Art, Assoc. at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia,                    PA.

2000   American Watercolors. Museum of American Art of the PAFA.

             Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2000. Eschigo-Tsumari, Japan. Curator: Fram                         Kitagawa.

1999   Water, Curated by Linda Samuels. Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, CA.

             Place of Memory: An Archeology of Site-Specificity, 1969-1999. Curated by                           Kevin Melcionne & Kara Barnes, Temple Univ. Gallery, Philadelphia.

             Artists from the Permanent Collection. Fabric Workshop and Museum,                                Philadelphia, PA.

1997   The Unbroken Line, 1897-1997: 100 Years of Fellowship. A Centennial                                   Exhibition. Museum of American Art of the PAFA.

             The Private Eye in Public Art, Curated by Joyce Schwartz. La Salle Partners at                     Nations Bank Plaza, Charlotte, NC

1996   Partners in Printmaking: Works from SOLO Impression, Nat'l Museum of                               Women in the Arts.

1995   The Figure/The Body: American Art 1945-1995, Armory Bldg., Philadelphia, PA,                   Curator: Judith Stein.

             Art + Architecture=Miami, C.O.C.A., Miami, FL

             Drawings Selected by Paul Cummings, Century Association, NYC

1994   Old Glory/New Story: Flagging the 21st Century, Capp St. Project, San                                 Francisco, CA

             A Natural Dialogue, International Sculpture Center, Washington, D.C., Traveling                    Exhibition.

             Guardians of the Earth, Lawrence Gallery, Rosemont College, Rosemont, PA.

             Non-Traditional Prints: Sculptors' Projects at the Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia,                   PA.

             Drawing, Univ. of Wisconsin at Eau-clair, WI

             Wave of the Cloth, Painted Bride Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

1993   The Return of the Cadavre Exquis, The Drawing Center, NYC

1992   Public Art Proposals, International Public Art Fair, Yokohama, Japan

             Process to Presence: Issues in Sculpture 1960-1990, Locks Gallery,                                       Philadelphia, PA

             Pertaining to Philadelphia: Contemporary Acquisitions from the Julius Bloch                           Memorial Fund, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA

             Sheltering Earth, Artspace Gallery, New Haven, CT

1991   Philadelphia Juvenilia: The Art of Future Past, Moore College of Art & Design,                        Philadelphia, PA

             In Search of Form: Drawings by 15 Sculptors, Weatherspoon Art Gallery,                               Greensboro, NC

             Concept Drawing: Works by Artists, Architects, Musicians, Nexus Gallery,                              Philadelphia, PA

             Directions: Sculpture, Paintings, Prints, Marian Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

             Art on Paper, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, NC

1990   Divergent Styles, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL

             Sounding the Depths: 150 Years of American Watercolors, Milwaukee Art                             Museum, WI (Traveling exhibition)

1989   Designing Visions, Forum Gallery, St. Louis, MO

             2D-3D, Sculptors’ Drawings, Seattle Art Museum, WA

             Art of the Eighties, from the Chemical Bank Collection, Montclair Art Museum,                      Montclair, NJ

             Decade of the Eighties, Western Carolina Univ., NC

             Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women, Hillwood Art Gallery, Long                Island University, NY

             Documenting FINGERSPAN, Gray Art Gallery, East Carolina Univ., NC

             The First Amendment Show, Sally Hawkins Gallery, NY

1988   Art for the Public: New Collaborations, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH.                                Traveling Exhibition.

             Private Works for Public Spaces, R.C. Erpf Gallery, NY

             Classical Myth and Imagery in Contemporary Art, Queens Museum, NY

             New Artists, New Drawings, Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, CT

             New Art on Paper (The Hunt Manufacturing Collection), Philadelphia Museum                       of Art, PA

             In the Making: Drawings by Sculptors, Sculpture Center, NY

             Sculptors at Work, Reed College, Portland, Oregon

1987   Standing Room: Sculpture by American Women, Contemporary Arts Center,                          Cincinnati, OH

             Floating Values, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY

             Outside In: Socrates Sculpture Park, City Gallery, NY

1986   All Natural Disasters Show, P.S.39, Bronx, NY

             Symbolic Expressions, Summit Art Center, Summit, NJ

             Body Electric: 4 Currents, Curator, Julie Courtney, Temple Univ. Gallery,                                Philadelphia, PA

             1976-1986, Selections; the Edward R. Downe, Jr. Collection, Wellesley College                      Museum, MA

1985   Drawing the Figure, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

             Major Works, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

1984   New York Now - Works on Paper, Nordyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg,                                   Denmark; Randers Kunstmuseum, Randers, Denmark

             Body Parts, Nine Gallery, NY

             Landmarks, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

             20th Century American Drawings: The Figure in Context, Whitney Museum                         (traveling exhibit)

             Painting and Sculpture 1984, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indiana

             Expression: Recent Works by Women Artists, A.I.R. Gallery, NY

             Sculptural Ideas, Lehigh Univ., Allentown, PA; Art Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

1983   Beyond the Monument, curated: Gary Garrels, MIT Hayden Corridor Gallery,                          Cambridge, MA.

             Connections, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

             Intoxication, Monique Knowlton Gallery, NY

             Fertility Imperative, Eugenia Cucalon Gallery, NY

             1983 Hazlett Memorial Awards Exhibition for the Visual Arts, Southern                                    Allegheny Museum of Art; University of Pittsburgh; Allentown Art                                      Museum,PA

             Great Big Drawings, Roger Ramsay Gallery, Chicago, IL

1982   Form and Function: Proposals for Public Sculpture for Philadelphia,                                       Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, PA         

             Agitated Figures: The New Emotionalism, Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY; Hal Bromm                          Gallery, NY

             Art Materialized: Selections from the Fabric Workshop, Traveling Exhibition,                          Philadelphia, PA

             Extended Sensibilities, The New Museum, NY

1981   Drawings, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

             New, New York on Paper, Douglas Drake Gallery, Kansas City, Kansas

             Ritual and Landscape, Touchstone Gallery, NY

             Drawings from the Collection of Milton Brutton and Helen Herrick, William                             Paterson College, Wayne, NJ

             Drawing Acquisitions: 1978-1981, Whitney Museum of American Art, NY

             Large Format Drawings, Barbara Toll Gallery, NY

             Currents: A New Mannerism, Jacksonville Art Museum, Jacksonville, FL                               (Traveling)

             Waterworks for Rapunzel installation, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

1980   Drawings, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

             Venice Biennale, Italy

             New York 1980, Banco Gallery, Brescia, Italy

             Made in Philadelphia III, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

             Architectural References, LAICA, Los Angeles, CA

            The Summer Show, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

            On Paper, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

            Tel-Hai 80 Conference, (site work) Upper Galilee, Israel

1979   Above Ground Wells and Aqueducts. 112 Green Street Gallery, NYC. 

            Whitney Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum, NY

            Audio Visions, a performance. National Public Radio, curated by Terry Gross,                       WUHY/FM, Philadelphia, PA

            Contemporary Drawings II, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, PA

            A Great Big Drawing Show, P.S.1, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, PS 1,                     L.I.C., NY

            Custom and Culture, Part II, Old Customs House, Creative Time,NY

            Drawings, Hal Bromm Gallery, NY

            Material Pleasures, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

            Clothing Constructions, LAICA, Los Angeles, CA

            Masks, Tents, Vessels, Talismans, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia,PA

1978   Dwellings, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

1977   Collection in ProgressBrutten/Herrick, Moore College of Art, Philadelphia, PA

             Contemporary Issues: Works on Paper by Women, Los Angeles/Houston

             Ground, P.S. 1 Institute for Art and Urban Resources, L.I.C., NY

            Contact: Women and Nature, curated: Lucy Lippard, Greenwich, CT

1976   Installation and Tall Chair with Chickens, Nexus Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

             Artists Sketchbooks, Philadelphia College of Art, PA

            Philadelphia/Houston Exchange, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA

1975   ArtPark, Lewiston, NY

            ArtPark, Hallwalls Gallery, Buffalo, NY

Solo and Group Exhibitions

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